Every HTML document has three major components or sections:
1.      HTML Declaration
2.      Head Section
3.      Body Section
Documents Structure tags define each of these sections
1.      <html>
It is a container tag. It declares the document to be HTML document. All the content of the document must be written within the <html> and </html>

2.      <head>
It is container tag. It defines the document header. The header contains information about the document rather than the information to be displayed on webpage. This tag can contain various other tags like <title>, <meta>, <link>, <style>, <script>, <base>.

3.      <body>
It is a container tag. This tag contains all the content and the tags that compose the document body. It includes various tags like <font>, <b>, <u>, <li>

4.      <title>
It is a container tag. It gives descriptive title to the document. This title appears in the title bar of the browser’s window and also in history listing and bookmarks lists.

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